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“Beyond the financial assistance, the members of BNI Tour de Force have opened doors for me that I never would have encountered otherwise....” 
Case Study: Susie Hurley Drumming for Wellbeing at Berkshire Wellness Circle 
I feel incredibly grateful to have held the Charity seat of BNI Tour de Force chapter for the past eight months. 
“During this relatively short period, I have been truly amazed by the unwavering support and enthusiasm displayed by every member towards my non-profit business. Their contributions, whether financial or through their selfless dedication of time and expertise, have been nothing short of remarkable in helping me raise funds. 
Beyond the financial assistance, the members of BNI Tour de Force have opened doors for me that I never would have encountered otherwise. Through their connections and introductions, I have been able to establish meaningful relationships with individuals and businesses that have greatly benefitted my cause". 

 Real Member Stories: Wellbeing Facilitator 

“What truly sets this chapter apart is the palpable energy that fills the room during our meetings" 
“It is evident to all visitors that the members are more than just business acquaintances; they share a genuine and profound bond with one another. This atmosphere of camaraderie and support is truly inspiring. 
If you are seeking to foster the growth and success of your business, I wholeheartedly encourage you to seize the opportunity to join the Tour de Force chapter. By becoming a part of this exceptional network, you will gain access to invaluable support and resources that can elevate your business to new heights. 
Contact Susie Hurley 
Call: 07895 250 681 | Email: | Visit: 
Tagged as: Health & Wellness
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