Cash Flow Consultant
“BNI referrals count for about 60-70% of my overall revenue...”
Case Study: Nicki Kinton of Confident Cashflow
Nicki Kinton runs Confident Cashflow, working with small business owners to get them back in the black and stay in the black, by managing the risks associated with giving people time to pay. She brings the practices of the corporate world into the small business arena, offering both practical and strategic support to help her clients stay on top of their finances. We spoke to Nicki about how her BNI network and training has helped her stay ahead in her business:
“I’ve been a member of BNI since June 2018. I am a member at Read Chapter in Swindon and I’m Director Consultant (DC) at Steam Swindon. The groups I am part of are fabulous, particularly this year when everyone has been under extraordinary strain, it’s been really supportive. I personally had a difficult period this year where business got tough and I decided to be really honest about it within my BNI network and reach out for help to the wider community. I got a mini tsunami of referrals and offers of support, which has really helped and meant a lot.
“The majority of my business comes from referrals and lately most of that has been through BNI. Since I joined, I’d say BNI referrals count for about 60-70% of my overall revenue. But it’s not just financial - BNI has also given me some excellent tools to us in my business through the training they provide, both in chapter and for me as a DC.
"For me, the 121 training in particular has been helpful, because I’ve been able to apply the lessons when I’m having meetings with prospects and use a similar format. BNI teach you to be really specific about the outcomes you want from each meeting, but also to respect the ‘givers gain’ ethos, so people don’t feel like they’re being sold to, and know I’m genuinely interested in them and their business, not just what they can do for me! The format BNI provides allows me to find out more about prospective clients and fellow members and how I can help them, and the results are great for me too!
“What’s different about BNI versus other networking groups I think is that because you go along every single week, you get really clear on what you’re doing, what you want and what you’re asking for support with. Also, it’s a safe environment to try out new ideas, test things out and refine your presentation skills.
“I think my favourite part of BNI has to be the relationships you build. I’ve got a huge, brilliant network of suppliers now. I’m also a big fan of the pay it forward mentality; I love connecting people and seeing people run with those referrals and make it work for them. Plus, I’m part of a great power team and I work very closely with the business coach in our chapter. There’s a lot of synergy between our two businesses, so not only is she my coach but she puts me in touch with her other clients who I can help with their finances too.

Real Member Stories: Cash Flow Consultant
“The wider support I get from being part of team platinum is amazing"
“I would add that the wider support you get from being part of team platinum is amazing and has been a huge benefit for me as DC of a chapter. You have access to a much broader network for referrals, and they’re incredibly supportive, always on hand with advice and guidance. If you need something and reach out, if there isn’t someone in team platinum that can do it, they know someone who can!
“People often worry about the financial investment when considering joining BNI. To that I say, if you’re willing to put the work in, you’ll easily get the money back. There are payment plans available now to make it accessible, and the only people I see not getting the results they want from BNI are the ones who don’t put anything into it. It’s not a magic wand - it’s a tool to use, and you have to make a commitment to using it. If you do, it’ll pay off!”
Contact Nicki Kinton
Tagged as: Finance & Legal
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